Monday, September 16, 2024


Do I Need A Home Security System?

Out of 127.59 million households in the United States, only 36 million have home security systems, according to an article from the New York...

Do-It-Yourself Projects to Boost Home Value

Whole house renovations can add value to your home, but there are ways to upgrade your home without going into debt or ransacking your...

Bundling Car and Home Insurance: Pros and Cons

If you are in the market for both car and home insurance, bundling might sound like a great deal. You only have to work...

6 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Windows

Your windows play a big part in your home’s energy performance and comfort levels. If your windows are damaged or just outdated, they can’t...

5 DIY Projects to Make Your First House Feel Like Home

One of the biggest hurdles for first time homeowners is knowing what to do with their new home. With all the projects that need...

3 Must-Haves on Your Auto Insurance & 3 Should-Haves

Most of us rely on our vehicles to get to work, the store, and to social engagements every day. Because of this reliance, it’s...

When Is The Best Time of Year to Replace Windows

Springtime often brings with it the desire for a fresh start and many homeowners begin to evaluate the state of their home and plan...

Kitchen Counters: Granite, Still a Go-to Surface Choice

Every slab of this natural stone is one of a kind — but there are things to watch for while you're admiring its unique...

7 Steps To Quality Spring Roofing Inspection

With winter in the read view mirror, now is the time to schedule your annual roofing inspection. After all, it’s no secret that the...

10 Re-habbed Homes That turned Ugly into Unbelievable

Dirt.  Disrepair.  Dilapidation.  While this tough trio would frighten most home buyers, they’re no match for those with a bold, creative spirit.  The old...

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